Sunday, December 20, 2009


We are starting our costume unit this week. What does a costume do to help create the world of a play? What do they tell the audience? What does a costume say about the character who wears it? What does the costume do to help tell a story? How does an audience judge a character by looks or what the character is wearing?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Fall Play

And Then They Came For Me: Remembering the World of Anne Frank

This week you will be seeing the Amity fall play: And Then They Came For Me.
I want you to critique the production. IN DETAIL explain what you thought of the overall production. What did you particularly like? What didnt you like? What performance (by one actor) did you like the most? What do you think the message of the play was? Did this production convey that message effectively. What did you think of the set, light and costumes? What did you think of the multimedia (video) element of the play? Did the video create a stronger story?


Monday, November 16, 2009

New Technology

This week I attended a theater conference where I had the chance to check out some new lighting technology. One of the new things I found is the "I-Cue" (pictured above) This an attachment you can add to an ETC Source Four which can make it a Intelligent Moving Light. It has a reflecting mirror that is controlled via a DMX cable back to the lighting board. You can find it here:

I want you to surf the web and find a new lighting technology and share it with your classmates. Describe what it does in detail and make sure you provide a link! Lets see who finds the newest coolest lighting technolog

Monday, October 26, 2009

Lighting Time

Here we are! Finally the lighting unit has arrived. I want you to think back to a live concert or play(musical) you have seen. It can be from broadway, or from a big concert hall or stadium. (The bigger the better, sky is the limit). What did you notice (if anything) about the lighting. What did the lighting do to help tell the story or enhance the show. Was there one particular thing about the lights that struck you the most? In your opinion was is the basic function of stage/ concert lighting? What can lighting do that scenery and costumes cant. PLEASE WRITE AT LEAST ONE PARAGRAPH!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

New Blog Post Finally!

Well some evil doer hacked into my blog account and I was unable to post a new blog until today. The good news is that you received a week off from your blog. This blog is not due until Monday October 19th 2009.

Please watch this lecture on Stage Lighting:

Please Highlight what you think is the 3 most important things mentioned in this lesson

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Scenic Design

This week we will started our unit on Scenic Design. One of the main goals of the scenic designer is to help tell the story of the play with the set. In this weeks blog I have posted pictures from three different "un-named" plays. I want you to choose one of the pictures (please indicate which picture you are writing about) and tell us what you see. What kind of play is it? Where is the play taking place? When is the play taking place(1955? 2045?)? Go into detail to tell us what you see and what is the "story" the scenic designer is trying to tell. Write AT LEAST three paragraphs!

As always if there is an issue please email me at

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Welcome to the 2009-2010 School Year


As this is your first journal I want you to tell us a little about yourself. First; tell us you name, where you are from, your hobbies, clubs, teams sports etc. )A quick one parargraph Biography) Why did you sign up for this class? Be honest! If you were forced in by your guidance counselor tell us! Have you ever seen a live play before? If so where? Did you like it? Why or why not? WHat are you most interested in learning about? (lighting, scenic design, costumes etc)

Lastly lets set some goals for you in this class: What do you hope to get out of it? (Name at least 2 things)

Answer all of these questions and then make a comment on at least 2 other classmates posts.


Monday, May 18, 2009


We are starting our costume unit this week. What does a costume do to help create the world of a play? What do they tell the audience? What does a costume say about the character who wears it? What does the costume do to help tell a story? How does an audience judge a character by looks or what the character is wearing?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Theatrical Lighting

I want you to think back to the last play or concert (or any live event that had theater lighting) you went to and describe it (at least a paragraph). Did the lighting enhance the show? Did the lighting help tell the story? How did the lights make you feel? Would you have done anything differently? What was your favorite part of the design?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Off The Hook!

No new blogs until the new marking period

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Scenic Design Project continued

This week lets write about your idea for your scen design. Wha scene did you pick? Why? What kind of project are you doing (computer drawing, sketch etc)? Where did the idea come from? How are you going to go about it? Write a few paragraphs!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Scenic Design Week 2 DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 3/22/09

This week we start our scenic design projects. What do you think is going to be a challenge for you in this project? What kinds of things should you be looking for when watching the play RENT on dvd? Name three things you need to do before you start to design your model/sketch/rendering. Also set at least one attainable goal for yourself during this project.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

No Blog This Week

Due to CAPT testing this week there is no new blog assigned. Its a good opportunity for those of you who are behind to CATCH UP! Next new post March8th.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Introduction to Scenic Design

This week we will start our unit on Scenic Design. One of the main goals of the scenic designer is to help tell the story of the play with the set. In this weeks blog I have posted pictures from three different "un-named" plays. I want you to choose one of the pictures (please indicate which picture you are writing about) and tell us what you see. What kind of play is it? Where is the play taking place? When is the play taking place(1955? 2045?)? Go into detail to tell us what you see and what is the "story" the scenic designer is trying to tell. Write AT LEAST three paragraphs!

As always if there is an issue please email me at

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The BackStage Betty Quiz!

Hi Class

Go to this website:

1. Take the quiz

2. In the comments sections please tell us how you did on the quiz.

3. We have just spent a couple of days learning about all the various jobs that are in the field of technical theater (Producer, Production Manager, Stage Manager, Technical Director, Assistant Stage Manager, Lighting Designer, Lighting Technician, Sound Designer, Sound Technician, Costume Designer, Seamstress, Makeup Designer, Property Designer, Scenic Designer, Scenic Painter)

Which one would you like to learn more about? Why? What is it do you find interesting? What are some of the challenges of that job? What is it about you that would make you successful in that job. What would you need to work on to be successful in this job?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Welcome to Introduction to Technical Theater.

It should be a great semester. This is a fun and rewarding class but you must keep up with your online journal each week.
The Process is simple Log on here each week and read the discussion topic posted. Respond to the post and thats it! The only catch is that you must keep up with the blog each week or you will get points off! Happy posting!-Mr. K