Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fall Play

This week you will be seeing the Amity fall play: And Then They Came For Me.
I want you to critique the production. IN DETAIL explain what you thought of the overall production. What did you particularly like? What didnt you like? What performance (by one actor) did you like the most? What do you think the message of the play was? 

What job(s) did you perform on the set or lights for this play?  In what way did you contribute to the production?  


Sunday, November 7, 2010


I want you to think back to the last play or concert (or any live event that had theater lighting) you went to and describe it (at least a paragraph). Did the lighting enhance the show? Did the lighting help tell the story? How did the lights make you feel? Would you have done anything differently? What was your favorite part of the design? 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The past 2  weeks we have been working on our scenic design projects.  Please answer the following:

What was the most difficult part of designing your own set?  What part of design did you enjoy the most?  In what way can you make connections from your scenic design unit to other disciplines you study (Math, science, english, etc.)  Did you like using the 3-D modeling program sketchup?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of 3-D CAD design?  Where did you research your play?  Did you simply copy another set or did you create your own design?

Please write at least 2 paragraphs and comment on 2 other students posts.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Intro to Scenic Design

Soon we will start our unit on Scenic Design. One of the main goals of the scenic designer is to help tell the story of the play with the set. In this weeks blog I have posted pictures from three different "un-named" plays. I want you to choose one of the pictures (please indicate which picture you are writing about) and tell us what you see. What kind of play is it? Where is the play taking place? When is the play taking place(1955? 2045?)? Go into detail to tell us what you see and what is the "story" the scenic designer is trying to tell.

Write AT LEAST three paragraphs and comment on two other class mates posts!

As always if there is an issue please email me at

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Welcome to Technical Theater


As this is your first journal I want you to tell us a little about yourself. First; tell us you name, where you are from, your hobbies, clubs, teams sports etc. )A quick one parargraph Biography) Why did you sign up for this class? Be honest! If you were forced in by your guidance counselor tell us! Have you ever seen a live play before? If so where? Did you like it? Why or why not? What are you most interested in learning about? (lighting, scenic design, costumes etc)

Lastly lets set some goals for you in this class: What do you hope to get out of it? (Name at least 2 things)

Answer all of these questions and then make a comment on at least 2 other classmates posts.


Sunday, May 16, 2010


I want you to think back to the last play or concert (or any live event that had theater lighting) you went to and describe it (at least a paragraph). Did the lighting enhance the show? Did the lighting help tell the story? How did the lights make you feel? Would you have done anything differently? What was your favorite part of the design? 

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Les Miserables

Well we made it!  The set, lights, costumes, props and sound is pretty much complete for our spring musical.  In this post please reflect on your contribution to the show.  What did you do to get this show to opening night?  What are you most proud of.  What would you have done differently?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Introduction to Scenic Design

This week we will start our unit on Scenic Design. One of the main goals of the scenic designer is to help tell the story of the play with the set. In this weeks blog I have posted pictures from three different "un-named" plays. I want you to choose one of the pictures (please indicate which picture you are writing about) and tell us what you see. What kind of play is it? Where is the play taking place? When is the play taking place(1955? 2045?)? Go into detail to tell us what you see and what is the "story" the scenic designer is trying to tell. Write AT LEAST three paragraphs!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Back Stage Betty

Hi Class

Go to this website:

1. Take the quiz

2. In the comments sections please tell us how you did on the quiz.

3. We have just spent a couple of days learning about all the various jobs that are in the field of technical theater (Producer, Production Manager, Stage Manager, Technical Director, Assistant Stage Manager, Lighting Designer, Lighting Technician, Sound Designer, Sound Technician, Costume Designer, Seamstress, Makeup Designer, Property Designer, Scenic Designer, Scenic Painter)

Which one would you like to learn more about? Why? What is it do you find interesting? What are some of the challenges of that job? What is it about you that would make you successful in that job. What would you need to work on to be successful in this job?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

First Post


As this is your first journal I want you to tell us a little about yourself. First; tell us you name, where you are from, your hobbies, clubs, teams sports etc. )A quick one parargraph Biography) Why did you sign up for this class? Be honest! If you were forced in by your guidance counselor tell us! Have you ever seen a live play before? If so where? Did you like it? Why or why not? WHat are you most interested in learning about? (lighting, scenic design, costumes etc)

Lastly lets set some goals for you in this class: What do you hope to get out of it? (Name at least 2 things)

Answer all of these questions and then make a comment on at least 2 other classmates posts.