Monday, October 26, 2009

Lighting Time

Here we are! Finally the lighting unit has arrived. I want you to think back to a live concert or play(musical) you have seen. It can be from broadway, or from a big concert hall or stadium. (The bigger the better, sky is the limit). What did you notice (if anything) about the lighting. What did the lighting do to help tell the story or enhance the show. Was there one particular thing about the lights that struck you the most? In your opinion was is the basic function of stage/ concert lighting? What can lighting do that scenery and costumes cant. PLEASE WRITE AT LEAST ONE PARAGRAPH!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

New Blog Post Finally!

Well some evil doer hacked into my blog account and I was unable to post a new blog until today. The good news is that you received a week off from your blog. This blog is not due until Monday October 19th 2009.

Please watch this lecture on Stage Lighting:

Please Highlight what you think is the 3 most important things mentioned in this lesson